Saturday, October 22, 2011

Historical Scrapaboooks; Alphabetical Scrapbooks

Sorry about the long wait, I have had many things happening in my life lately not allowing me to get on and write my blog.  That having been said let' go to the next Scrapbook Style.

Historical Scrapbooks:

Historical Scrapbooks are typically a way of documenting an event or time period in history.  This is great for individual.groups. They are good for documenting class projects for students in Social Studies. Do you need to do a report on The Pilgrims Landing on Plymouth Rock, you could use a Historical Scrapbook creating a time line from when the Pilgrims first set sail, showing what happened and when they landed all the way up to the First Thanksgiving.  Historical Scrapbooks can also be used to team teach English and Social Studies.

Alphabetical Scrapbooks:

Alphabetical Scrapbooks are ABC books or Alphabet Books.  They use the alphabet to cocument a trip or somehere (like the zoo).  You can use each letter of the alphabet to describe or tell what you saw at the zoo.  Like   " A is for Aardvark, B is for bear, C is for  Camel, etc.  .)  Pay tribute to a person's character by using the Alphabet to desicribe the person's character.  Alphabetical Scrapbooks are a great way to teach a Toddler his alphabet by making a soft book for him/her to learn the alphabet by conecting the letter to an object.  (A is for apple, B is for Bat, C is for Cake).

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